Tuesday, February 11, 2020

Receiving Love

Day 3: February 10, 2020

As difficult as yesterday was, I didn’t cry. Today, was different for me. I cried today.

We started by touring the health clinic and then visited the high school right beside the health clinic, named after Canadian Sister Susan Daly. My small group toured a class that were learning about nursing. I played my fiddle for them and they were quite impressed! The Canadian girls asked a lot of questions to the Dominican students and vice versa. A few of the Dominican girls sang. After, we all went out into the courtyard area where we were thoroughly entertained by singers and dancers from the school. They are so appreciative of our group coming year after year and supporting their community.

We all went back to our host families for lunch. In the afternoon, we visited a local elementary school. They were completely over-the-moon excited to see us! They had prepared the most beautiful celebration for us! My group visited a grade 2 class. They sang a song for us and we introduced ourselves and vice versa. We all sat in the auditorium where they performed songs, dances, and plays that were of of the best quality that we have ever seen! Their joy, gratitude and appreciation for the Canadians brought me to tears. Yesterday, we were so focused on giving love to others (which comes naturally to me) that today I was completely overwhelmed by receiving it (this is more challenging for me). We are on the receiving end of immense gratitude from 30 years of groups before us that have provided monetary support to the people of Yamasa. Receiving that love was overwhelming for me, hence the strong emotions I felt. (Thank you to Mark for explaining that to me and saving me the money on a therapist.) The joy for life that the Dominicans have is something that cannot be put into words. It needs to be experienced. They do so much with what little they have. 

Our day always ends with a community gathering of dinner, dancing and music. 

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