Monday, February 10, 2020

Beginning the Journey

Day 1: February 8, 2020

This is the 31st year that the Renfrew County Catholic District School Board has taken a group of students and staff to Yamasa, Dominican Republic. Many teachers and students before me have experienced this trip and I felt called to go this year, not knowing what to fully expect, but I was assured that it would be life changing. So I packed up my fiddle and a carry-on for my personal items as well as a 50lbs. suitcase full of supplies for the medical clinic in Yamasa and off I went as the only elementary teacher.

16 students and 5 adults arrived at the Santo Domingo airport around noon on February 8. We were greeted by Dominican friends/tour guides/ translators who assisted us with luggage and they boarded us onto two small buses. We drove a short distance to a rest stop by the Caribbean Sea and were given lunch.

We continued the journey to the town of Yamasa by bus. I was not prepared for the amount of garbage I would see along the way. It was shocking! Around 4 pm we arrived to Yamasa and to the health centre that our schools have supported so generously over the years. We unloaded all of the medical supplies and clothing that we strategically had packed. It was a tremendous amount! We were all dropped off to our host families for an early dinner and some much needed time to relax. Jodi and I were staying with a family of a dentist and a supermarket store owner. They have 3 teenagers.

At 7 pm, we all gathered with our host families for Mass at Parroquia San Jose de Yamasa. It was so joyful even though I could understand very little in Spanish. There was a lot of clapping and very beautiful music. We were all recognized at the end of Mass for our contributions to their community. We all returned home with our host families for much needed rest!

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