Wednesday, February 12, 2020

The past, present, and future

Day 4: February 11, 2020

Today we visited Bishop Smith’s sister high school in Yamasa. Many of our translators who have been helping us, attend here. The red carpet, so to speak, was rolled out for us. We entered the gymnasium, were seated in the front row and treated to wonderful words from the principal and students - much of it in English. They showed us a slideshow of pictures from the last 30 years. It was emotional to see many teachers and students that I personally had connections with. They certainly paved the way for us to be there and we are paving the way for the next 30 years, Godwilling.

There were traditional dances performed for us and lots of singing too. The Canadian students also had a chance to perform a few numbers in return.
 Lots of selfies today! Dominicans love photos so you are constantly being asked to be in one!

We were given a tour of some of the classrooms and were treated to a spectacular lunch (Dominicans are amazing cooks!!). This is a picture of the science lab. We would like to
purchase some equipment for them in the future as there is only one microscope for the class to use.
Following the school visit, we went to Guillen Brothers Pottery Place. We were shown the process to make the pottery and stayed awhile to browse and make our own purchases. They wrapped all the pieces with tender loving care for packing in luggage.

The day concluded with our traditional gathering at 7pm for dinner followed by dancing, music, and Twister (new)!!!

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